Final Story
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 A Fanfic-ish type thing.

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A Fanfic-ish type thing. Empty
PostSubject: A Fanfic-ish type thing.   A Fanfic-ish type thing. Icon_minitimeThu Feb 03, 2011 12:12 am

Fanfic: The Battle for Victoria Island

"Hein! We challenge you!"
Zeru's egregious challenge echoed in the small throne room.
Hein hopped off of his throne, almost playfully, with a cruel smile on his face.
"Very well," he said, "but isn't four against one a little unfair?"
"You're as unfair as it gets by making us go through four random temples and fight a truckload of enemies just to challenge you," Antlan pointed out. However, Hein ignored him and Royke went on the uptake.
"What do you mean, you worm?" he harshly demanded.
Hein rose his hands in a seemingly placating gesture. "I merely wanted to even out the odds."
He snapped his fingers, and the most recent bosses we fought-- Drena, Maru, and Kishop, came back.
"Miss us?" asked Kishop.
"Hope you weren't hoping for an unfair fight," commented Maru.
"So it seems we shall duel again," said Drena. She brandished her spear. "But this time, we will NOT be on the losing end."
"Now," Hein said, "we fight."
Hein and his four cronies charged the heroes. They stood in their natural formation-- a line-- and managed to take their attacks fairly well. However, Drena roared and sent a Spear Crusher, which hit all of them and sent them staggering.
The Heroes retreated quickly.
"Spread out!" yelled Serene. "The Spear Crushers can only hit one of us if we do!" She then twirled her wand and used Magic Wall, Mystic Wall, and Party Barrier of Darkness.
Hein's party was almost on the heroes, so they followed Serene's idea and spread out. Keeping up with ruthless Dark Order trends, Hein sent one of his cronies to deal with the party, one at a time. Kishop charged Serene, Hein attacked Zeru, Drena attacked Antlan, and Maru went for Royke.

Zeru parried and struck, and Hein seemed to take all the blows and staggered with each one. He weakly tried to counter, which was easily taken by Zeru's shield. Hein then tried to possess Zeru, but due to Serene's earlier buff, it did nothing, and he fell back, exhausted.
"What's the matter, Hein?" asked Zeru, mockingly. "Did we forget to take our medicine today?"
Hein growled. "I haven't even started yet." He began to glow with a fiendish red aura and started to transform.

Serene was not having the best of battles with Kishop. She could hardly hold her ground, and even with her various shielding buffs, Kishop shattered each one. Suddenly, she saw Kishop falter, and retreat.
"He needs more MP!" thought Serene, and saw a tactical advantage.
Being at a standstill with Kishop's various spells, she blocked every one of them and when Kishop tried to retreat, Serene teleported behind him and cast a close-range Comet Bolt, greatly injuring him. Kishop was retreating, and Serene was going to press her advantage when suddenly, the walls changed to that of a seemingly living substance. Serene, recognizing this, yelled "Everybody! Regroup!" while running to the southern extreme of the room.

Royke was having a carefree battle with Maru. Maru's attacks were lightning fast, but Royke's high-speed precision shooting reigned supreme. He easily picked off Maru with wave after wave of Revolver Shots. He then looked to the side and saw Hein transform. Maru was giving up on fighting Royke and Royke heard Serene's cry of retreat, so both went their own ways.

Antlan's battle with Drena was evenly matched. Antlan's lightning-quick but somewhat-weak attacks were blocked by Drena's impeccable defense. Using Haste, Antlan ran up the side of the room and jumped down, using a Raining Star. As expected, the stars were deflected by Drena's defensive spells but Antlan shot down and threw a deadly Triple Throw directly at her. Suddenly, a red wave seemed to fill the room and Zeru, Serene, and Royke were grouped near the staircase, so Antlan quickly ran to where his friends were.

Gathering in a wedge formation, the heroes watched Hein transform. A blinding red flash of light filled the room, and when it cleared, Hein, in a Soul of Rage form, his minions, along with a giant dragon, were standing there.

"You just made a huge mistake," said Hein.

Hein advanced toward the party, with his minions flanking him. Both sides charged headfirst.
The battle was hardly fair. Every time the heroes attacked, it seemed like a kitten scratch. Every time Hein counter-attacked with Spear Crusher, it was like a falling mountain. Eventually, the four heroes fought valiantly, but were forced to retreat.
Serene cast multiple shielding buffs so that the party could talk.

"What the heck was that?!" raged Antlan. "I couldn't even get off a single hit! My stars were like cupcakes!"
Royke shook his head. "My arrows were about the same. And when I was able to land a hit, they just healed!"
Zeru shook his head. "We're outmatched, outnumbered, and out of ideas. What do we do?"
Serene looked confused. "I could attack just fine. What's the matter with all of you? Tired?"
Suddenly, Zeru made the connection with one of his skills.
"Aegis Barrier!" he exclaimed
Everyone else looked confused, so Zeru elaborated.
"It's a barrier of sorts. It blocks physical but not magical attacks.
Serene nodded, then started to think. "Who do you think was casting it?"
"Wait," said Royke. "Did you guys notice how the dragon was doing absolutely nothing?"
When all else nodded, Royke continued. "He only roared from time to time. Meaning that roar could be..."
"An Aegis Barrier cast!" exclaimed Zeru, making the connection.
Serene started thoughtfully. "The fastest of us four is Antlan. We have to split up, edging closer to the dragon from all directions. The Dark Order won't try to leave the cast radius of their blessed barrier, so I think Antlan could sneak up from the side closest to the dragon and annihilate it. As for the rest of us, we have to keep the attention away from Antlan."
The rest of them nodded, then Royke raised a question. "Where did their instant healing come from? "
"A spirit," Zeru immediately said, remembering Tz.
"Oh," said Royke, "Like Tz's?"
"Yeah, like his," said Zeru. "I don't think we can kill something we can't see, so we'll have to deal with the chronic healing."
Everybody nodded, satisfied with the plan.
"Ready, everyone?” asked Zeru.
Everyone nodded, and Antlan casted Haste while Serene casted her buffs.
To make the element of surprise on their side, they quickly arranged themselves in a square formation: Antlan on the upper-left extreme of the room, Serene on the upper-right extreme, Royke on the lower-left extreme, and Zeru on the lower-right extremity.
Confident of his defenses, Hein sent Maru to attack Antlan, Kishop to attack Royke, Drena to attack Zeru, and attacked Serene himself.
Maru’s attack speed was no match for Antlan’s physical speed and ranged attacks. However, even with this advantage, Horntail’s barrier kept Maru relatively unscathed. Seeing his sister being attacked by Hein, he growled, and with his spare time, threw stars at Hein’s back, who seemed to be quickly gaining the upper hand.
“You idiot!” yelled Serene.
“What?” asked Antlan.
“You’re not supposed to attack him! Keep yourself as inconspicuous as possible!”
Antlan suddenly exploded into smoke and reappeared into four forms and all four of them jumped onto Horntail and started repeatedly stabbing the dragon. Hein, seeing the Heroes’ plan, roared.
“Spirit Sign: ‘Omega Dragon Crusher!’”
“No! Antlan!” cried Serene, but the spell was already on its way. The Dragon Crusher dealt the finishing blow to Horntail, but for Antlan, all three of his forms seemed to dissipate.
“Wait,” said Hein. “Three?”
Antlan flashed out from Horntail’s corpse and struck a deadly overhead Shadow Slash at Hein and Maru. Without his protection, Hein was still hurt, but he snapped his fingers and he was healed. Unfortunately, Maru did not receive the healing, and was quickly incapacitated by the sudden strike. Suddenly, Serene yelled “Comet Bolt!” and struck an invisible presence.
Hein swore and Antlan ran next to his sister.
“How did you do that?” he asked.
“Simple,” explained Serene. “I’m a magician. I can trace mana flows, including those of healing spells.
Serene went to help Royke, who was having a badly fought battle with Kishop. Due to Kishop’s healing and buffing spells, Royke’s arrows did virtually nothing, and he was reeking of poison smoke.
“Anti-Poison Haze!” yelled Serene.
A thick green haze enveloped both Serene and Royke. Serene knew Kishop could find her magical energy store, and therefore detect her in these stygian conditions, so she put as much distance between Royke and herself. As she expected, Kishop soon fired a Magic Claw at her, which was blocked by a Mystic Wall, and Royke saw the brief flash of magic. Arrows appearing in hand, he shot a quick Revolver Shot, mortally wounding Kishop. He ran out of the fog to assist Zeru.
Zeru was striking and parrying when suddenly, Drena whirled around to block an attack. Taking this advantage, Zeru quickly charged up a Blade Impact, but was blown back by a Spear Crusher. Out of nowhere, arrows pierced Drena’s spear arm, making her drop her weapon. Serene loomed overhead and fired a Comet Bolt at Drena, knocking her into the wall and mortally wounding her.
The team regrouped to face Hein, who had nothing but pure anger written on his face.
“I will crush you all!”
The party expected what was coming, and Antlan cast Haste and the party ran in all directions. Hein aimed for Zeru first with a Spear Crusher, but as he cast the spell, Antlan came up and threw a Triple Throw into his back. Whirling around to face the new threat, Royke took the opportunity and shot a Revolver Shot at Hein while his back was turned. Seeming to know their tactics, he kept his focus on Antlan. However, he failed to see Zeru leaping up and charging a Blade Impact and sending him flying. As Hein was sailing across the room, the walls turned back to that of his castle.
The team regrouped at Hein’s throne while an extremely weak Hein appeared from the debris of his castle.
Hein growled. “I will be back. Mark my words.” He then teleported away.
The heroes, thoroughly exhausted, raised the Victoria Amulet to report back to Athena.

~Between the Battles~
The four heroes materialized in the Victoria Base, with Athena waiting for them.
"Well?" asked Athena.
"The deed is done," Zeru confirmed.
However, all was not well, as a booming voice roared: "I AM NOT FINISHED YET, 'HEROES'. IF I CANNOT RULE THIS WORLD, THEN NONE SHALL!"
Athena frowned thoughtfully at this threat. "I fear he may try to destroy the island. I will work on pinpointing his location. In the meantime, you two have done a herculean task. Why don't you all get some rest?"
Nobody objected, and the party all silently dispersed to our respective rooms.
Several hours later, Zeru walked into Serene's garden/room.
Approaching her, he looked, with some concern, at her hand.
"Is it all right now?" he asked.
"Yes, it is. Thanks to you, that is," replied Serene.
Zeru shrugged indifferently. "It was nothing."
The two stood, side by side, looking over the beautiful garden for a few minutes. Suddenly, Zeru asked a question.
"Hey, Serene. Who do you like?"
Serene frowned defensively, then she frowned thoughtfully. "I'm afraid I can't answer that yet, Zeru."
Zeru nodded. "I understand." He then yawned. "Well, it seems launching a Blade Impact against Hein doesn't do wonders for your stamina. I'll be going to bed."
"Good night, Zeru," said Serene, as Zeru was walking out of the garden.
"Good night, Serene," Zeru called back.
~The Next Day~
Zeru was sleeping peacefully, until the voice of Athena rang out in the silence of the morning.
"Wake up, all of you! I've found Hein's location!" Zeru, being the light sleeper he is, immediately hopped out of bed, got dressed and equipped for battle, then walked into the main section of the Base.
"Morning, Athena," he said, nonchalantly.
Athena waited impatiently for all the heroes to slowly eat breakfast. When the tables were cleared, she cleared her throat.
"We have pinpointed Hein's location. He is currently sitting in his throne room, or so it seems. Also, we have found Xeru. He's in the Fountain of the Other Dimension. To get him back or not, the choice is yours. Dismissed."
Athena walked away to her own quarters, while Zeru, Antlan, Serene, and Royke gathered.
"What will we do first?" asked Antlan.
"I propose we get Xeru first," said Serene.
Zeru nodded. "I second that. He will be a valuable ally if he can fight, and the Star of Light will be no burden, nonetheless."
Royke, however, questioned the seemingly unanimous idea.
"However, for every second we take trekking through the Other Dimension, Hein's in his throne room doing who-knows-what."
Serene, however, shook her head. "No, Royke. If he's planning on making a last stand or somehow destroying the island, we have to stop him. Xeru's help could be pivotal."
Royke nodded, acknowledging the point.
"So it's decided," said Zeru. "Let's go find Xeru."

They exited the base **Author's Note: I'm going to remove the Teleport-to-where-you-were function of the amulet. It'd make too big of a plot hole.** and held up the Warp Crystal.
"Take us to the Top of the El Nath Mountains," commanded Zeru.
There was a bright flash of light, and the party reappeared in front of the portal to the Other Dimension.
Entering, they saw no difference: The floating rocks, random floating platforms to scare an acrophobic, and the item-selling crystal at the entrance.
Walking at a brisk but not too fast pace, the party traveled through the Other Dimension. Occasionally, a monk would attempt to attack them, but a quick Revolver Shot from Royke or a Triple Throw from Antlan easily defeated them. Eventually, they made it to the final set of stairs.
"God, that was some nostalgia passage," commented Antlan.
"I don't know about you, but having to nearly kill your brother isn't my type of nostalgia," retorted Zeru.
"Let's stop this chatter and move on, shall we?" said Royke, pragmatic as ever.
Walking into the fountain room and ascending the stairs, they found a fuzzy image of Xeru.
"Xeru!" exclaimed Zeru.
Lenna, hearing Zeru describe another person with his own name, frowned at the communication amulet and asked, "Who's the guy with the funny name?"
"I'll explain later," said Antlan.
"Zeru," said Xeru, "you must be careful!"
"Why?" asked Zeru.
Suddenly, six faceless, seemingly mindless, anthropoids with beam scythes appeared and surrounded the party.
"That's why," said Xeru.
The party arranged in a back-to-back plus-sign formation to prevent the disadvantage of being attacked from the back. An enemy on Zeru's side lunged first. Zeru parried his initial scythe stroke and used to disadvantage of a two-handed weapon to his advantage by ramming his shield into the enemy. The enemy, dazed, stepped back, and Zeru took the opportunity to stab it in the chest, making it dissolve with a blood-curling scream. Zeru rejoined the formation as Antlan commented "That's a happy sound."
"Shut up and fight," replied Zeru.
In a moment, the monsters realized they could not defeat the heroes one-by-one, so they attacked the heroes simultaneously. Their attack was brutally effective, forcing the heroes to fight a heavily defensive battle. Suddenly, Antlan saw her sister fall.
"Serene!" he yelled.
A Life Taker was about to deal the final blow, but Serene rose her staff, earthly power radiating from her.
"Ninety-Nine Spells of the Earth Dragon!" she yelled.
She stood up and waved her wand in intricate patterns. Maigcal bolts and claws of all shapes and sizes bombarded the enemies until they were all nothing but dust in the wind. Serene then collapsed from the extremely powerful spell.
Antlan ran over to her, while the others gathered around.
"Is she okay?" asked Zeru.
Antlan nodded. "Just knocked out. Get me an Elixir."
After trickling a full bottle of Elixir into Serene's mouth, her wounds began to gradually disappear. They then turned to Xeru.
"What were those things?" asked Royke.
"Life Takers," said Xeru. "They were trying to establish a portal between the Underworld and here. Thankfully, you stopped them...The Other Dimension is the closest place..."
"Underworld?" inquired Antlan.
"It's a place where--" suddenly, Xeru was cut off and his ghostly form fell over. It disappeared, and in its place was a seemingly weakened Star of Light.
Zeru picked it up. "I don't think I can transform with this."
The party shrugged. "Perhaps Xeru's help could come in handy," said Royke. "Now come on," he stated impatiently, pointing at the Warp Crystal.
Zeru rose the Warp Crystal.
"Take us to Henesys!" commanded Zeru.
There was the flash of light, and the heroes returned to Henesys. By the time they teleported, Serene came to.
"Ouch...How long was I out?" she asked.
Zeru pretended to look at a wristwatch, then stated, "About ten minutes. Now let's go."
They walked through Hein's Courtyard with relative ease, as most of the monsters had fled. As they entered the castle, they saw a portal near the entrance.
"That wasn't there before," said Serene.
Zeru looked at it. "Let's go."
They went into the portal and were whisked to the top of the castle.
"Nifty," commented Royke.
They then saw a portal on Hein's throne.
"What could that lead to?" asked Zeru.
"Only one way to find out," replied Antlan. The party went through the portal, and was at a black void.
"Where is this?" asked Serene. "And what are those creepy voices?"
Athena's voice radiated out of the Victoria Amulet. "This is the Path Between Two Worlds. The 'creepy voices' are the souls of those who cannot release their mortal bindings and are doomed to be here for as long as they need to be."
"Let's just hurry through," concluded Antlan.
They walked to a portal at what seemed to be the end of the void, and walked in. When they entered, they seemed to enter the lair of Lucifer. It was raining, and the floors, walls, and ceiling of what they were in all seemed simply hell-like. The screeches of the damned echoed through the place.
"What the...Those walls...are they living?" asked Serene, thoroughly disgusted.
Zeru noticed red bloodstains on his tunic, and realized what the rain was.
"Let's get through this as fast as possible," he said, "and hope not to go insane in the process."
The four heroes walked into the hellish place, not knowing what lies ahead....

Zeru, Antlan, Serene, and Royke entered the hellish place, surveying the surroundings. Suddenly, Antlan yelled "Run!"
Looking in Antlan's direction, they saw an IOE approaching.
"How'd I know these would be here too?" complained Zeru.
"Just shut up and run," retorted Royke.
They ran through the corridors of the Underworld, and Antlan cleared a path through the spirits of the damned using his Raining Star. Seeing a wall, they hid behind it. The IOE, mindless in its ways, tried to ram into the wall to get to the heroes at no avail.
The party, battered from running through pools of acid, received Serene's Party Heal 3 with a mumble of thanks. They continued, but suddenly, an IOE ambushed them from behind a wall. The party recoiled, but Royke was too slow and got hit by the monster's beam scythe. Royke grunted, and fell to his knees.
Serene used Heal 3 on Royke, who immediately dodged the IOE's next strike and shooting a volley of arrows into its neck. The thing staggered, but it was nowhere near dead.
Antlan jumped toward Royke and used Haste, then quickly retreated with Royke following. All of them headed for a flight of stairs to the right of them.
Climbing the stairs by two's and three's, the party, exhausted, lay at the top of the stairs, while the IOE tried to walk into a wall to get to them. Antlan taunted him by dropping rocks on his head. Zeru stopped him.
"We fight with honor. Rocks, swords, or arrows, none deserve this."
"But it's an IOE. It won't die. Ever."
They continued, walking across bridges of nasty materials and past pools of acid, and the walls eventually gave way to a larger chasm. Suddenly, a multitude of IOE's charged at the heroes. Each took their own path, and managed to divert the IOEs' attention. They regrouped near the Sea of Acid. Looking past it, Zeru saw a portal.
"Looks like it's time we go acid running," he commented sulkily.
"Let's just get it over with," grumbled Royke.
They ran past the acid as fast as they could, and Serene healed them at the end.
"This portal carries a strange sense of foreboding," said Antlan, before they entered said portal.
They walked through the portal, and were met with Saxer, Reinge, and Pire.
Lenna swore into the communication amulet. "Do they EVER die?"
"Whine all you want," replied Saxer, "But as long as Hein lives, so do we."
"Hmph, if we beat you once, we can beat you again!" said Zeru.
"Not quite," Pire venomously said. "The underworld is our source of power. Hein and Drena are powerful enough to summon a link to the underworld so they can transform. However, we're fighting in home territory. Therefore, we can transform too!"
Antlan shrugged contemptuously. "If we beat Drena and Hein transformed, what makes you think you'll do any better?"
Reinge smiled. "It's because they were merely conjuring portals. We're actually HERE. This means in the event you face them again, it won’t be so much of a cakewalk."
Zeru sighed. "Could you be any less conspicuous about your foreshadowing?"
Saxer cruelly smiled. "It doesn't foreshadow anything, because we're going to kill you right here!"
All three of them charged. Unlike the battle with Hein, the heroes outnumbered the enemies, so they stayed in a linear formation. Reinge fought off against Zeru, which was a gigantic mistake mainly because Zeru had a shield, a sword, and they were fighting in close range. Zeru easily blocked Reinge’s various arrow attacks and snapped his bow in half when Zeru tried to slash a deadly side-arc at him. Reinge smiled and another bow reformed in his hand. However, Zeru used Double Over Slash and slashed through him twice, making him disappear into dust. Royke was having a bad battle with Saxer for the reason Zeru had a good one. However, Saxer was shield-less, and even he could not deflect a Revolver Shot when Royke had the chance to shoot one under the fusillade of attacks. Saxer also disappeared into dust. Serene and Antlan teamed up against Pire, who aimed for Antlan, knowing that his fire attacks would do virtually nothing on the magician. However, Serene’s attacks were significantly more powerful, and Antlan’s dodging was excellent. The two siblings heckled Pire, until Serene had the open opportunity of attacking Pire’s back, and she used a Comet Bolt, smashing him into a wall.
Serene used Party Heal 3.
“That wasn’t all that hard,” said Zeru.
“Pfft, speak for yourself. I hate fighting close range,” lamented Royke.
Antlan smiled. “’Let’s stop this bickering and move on, shall we?’ Didn’t someone say that?”
Royke glared at him, but Antlan assumed an innocent expression and pretended not to notice.
“Let’s go,” said Zeru.
The party walked through the disgusting corridor and entered a portal. They kept walking through yet another corridor only to be met with another three Dark Order members.
Zeru could vaguely hear somebody thumping their head on a desk.
“Lenna, you’re not the one fighting. Why complain?” asked Antlan.
“We’re wasting time, dang it!” she said.
“If you’d like to help…” suggested Royke. Zeru, however, vehemently rejected the idea.
“You want all of Victoria Island to sink?” he asked.
Royke shrugged. “I wasn’t serious…”
Somebody cleared their throat. “Ah-em.”
Recognizing the voice, Royke turned slowly, and locked eyes with his deceased brother, Reyka, who was flanked by Kandit and Corsire.
“Reyka…” Royke said.
“Greetings, little brother. So it seems we meet again. After you Strafe-d me to the Kingdom, that is!” said Reyka, pithily.
“Reyka, I meant you no harm. You know that,” objected Royke.
Reyka gave a harsh, cruel laugh. “Sure! You meant me no harm when you hunted me for my Star Powder. You meant me no harm when you broke the Other Dimension trying to kill me, and leaving me for dead at the hands of those weaklings! And I’m sure you’re not going to mean me any harm, when you pitilessly shoot me down, right here, right now!”
Royke, a bit shocked from the excoriation, actually flinched.
“But Reyka, if you hadn’t joined the Dark Order, I wouldn’t have had to do any of that to you!” exclaimed Royke.
Reyka grimaced. “I had no choice. My destiny was God-forsaken. But stop this meaningless chatter! I will shoot you all down right now!”
The Heroes stood in a line formation. Reyka stood back and shot at Royke, Kandit charged at Zeru, and Corsire shot at Serene. Serene cast Party Barrier of Darkness and Magic and Mystic wall.
Kandit stabbed, jabbed, and blocked with his dagger, but his lack of a shield easily caught up to him. Zeru’s sword also had a much longer reach than his dagger, so he easily defeated Kandit.
The siblings had no trouble whatsoever with Corsire. Corsire was long-ranged, but so was Serene, and therefore they had a battle of magic vs. arrows, while Antlan worked furiously to get behind Corsire. Eventually, the strain of having to keep up with two attacks got to him, and Antlan Quadruple Stabbed his back. Corsire dissipated into the wind.
Royke was having extreme qualms about killing his brother again. The party was watching. Serene rose her staff to buff Royke, and Antlan prepared to jump in and help, but a hand gently moved Serene’s staff down, and a sword stopped Antlan.
“Zeru?” asked Antlan.
“Did you get possessed by Kandit or something? Barrier of Darkness!” said Serene. The spell didn’t seem to change Zeru a bit, so she looked at him questioningly.
“This is his battle. Only should he be defeated shall we intervene,” he said.
“Alright, again with the honor thing, huh?” said Antlan.
Reyka shot a barrage of arrows at Royke. Royke furiously shot arrows at his brother’s in order to block them, but he had no shield, and eventually, he started looking like a porcupine. He saw his brother’s demented grin in the distance.
“Funny, brother. It seems you feel qualms after the time for mourning has past,” said Reyka, coldly.
Royke was going to succumb to the pain, when words of encouragement from his friends came.
“Don’t think of him as your brother! He’s trying to kill you!”
“Royke, you’re the best Archer we have! We can’t afford to lose you! Get in the game!”
He rose up, eyes streaming from half-pain, half-sadness at what he would have to do.
“You were the better archer at birth,” said Royke, “but that time has passed.”
Five arrows appeared in his hand. “Revolver Shot!”
Five strikes of a direct hit rang clear. Reyka, looking surprised at the five arrows jutting out of his chest, fell to his knees.
“Royke…How could you?” he lamented.
“You picked the wrong path,” said Royke, “but you can always be forgiven for your sins.”
Reyka dissipated, and Royke fainted. Before he fainted though, he said three words that were barely audible.
“I’m sorry, Reyka.”

Last edited by NeoFrost on Sun Feb 06, 2011 10:56 pm; edited 13 times in total
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Male Posts : 7576
Age : 28
Location : On the run
Moderator Points :
A Fanfic-ish type thing. Left_bar_bleue50 / 10050 / 100A Fanfic-ish type thing. Right_bar_bleue

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A Fanfic-ish type thing. Left_bar_bleue6 / 1006 / 100A Fanfic-ish type thing. Right_bar_bleue

Reputation : 25
Activity Points : 7888
Registration date : 2008-03-30

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RPG field: plǝıɟ ƃdɹ

A Fanfic-ish type thing. Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Fanfic-ish type thing.   A Fanfic-ish type thing. Icon_minitimeThu Feb 03, 2011 12:13 am

holy... piss...
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Male Posts : 4684
Age : 27
Location : Everywhere, watching. In the stars. At the forests. Home. <3
Moderator Points :
A Fanfic-ish type thing. Left_bar_bleue36 / 10036 / 100A Fanfic-ish type thing. Right_bar_bleue

Warning Points :
A Fanfic-ish type thing. Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 100A Fanfic-ish type thing. Right_bar_bleue

Reputation : 10
Activity Points : 5085
Registration date : 2009-12-05

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RPG field: 1

A Fanfic-ish type thing. Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Fanfic-ish type thing.   A Fanfic-ish type thing. Icon_minitimeThu Feb 03, 2011 12:16 am

Nice... cronies.. xD
Nice vocab
Just watch out with the 'us' words.
You aren't part of the FS crew the last time I checked. Hehe.
Also, name your Fanfic. :D
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Male Posts : 1595
Age : 26
Location : A floor.
Moderator Points :
A Fanfic-ish type thing. Left_bar_bleue99 / 10099 / 100A Fanfic-ish type thing. Right_bar_bleue

Warning Points :
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PostSubject: Re: A Fanfic-ish type thing.   A Fanfic-ish type thing. Icon_minitimeThu Feb 03, 2011 12:18 am

Oopsie. Lemme use the "Find" command to get rid of "us"'s
And sure.
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PostSubject: Re: A Fanfic-ish type thing.   A Fanfic-ish type thing. Icon_minitimeThu Feb 03, 2011 12:31 am

remember Ctrl + h!! Well I dunno if it works on internet browsers or such.
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PostSubject: Re: A Fanfic-ish type thing.   A Fanfic-ish type thing. Icon_minitimeThu Feb 03, 2011 12:53 am

myfantasy wrote:
remember Ctrl + h!! Well I dunno if it works on internet browsers or such.
Ctrl F
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PostSubject: Re: A Fanfic-ish type thing.   A Fanfic-ish type thing. Icon_minitimeThu Feb 03, 2011 6:31 am

Edited original post to finish the story. READ IT PEOPLES. :D
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PostSubject: Re: A Fanfic-ish type thing.   A Fanfic-ish type thing. Icon_minitimeThu Feb 03, 2011 11:02 am

error: megical
word: magical.
Nice ending.
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PostSubject: Re: A Fanfic-ish type thing.   A Fanfic-ish type thing. Icon_minitimeThu Feb 03, 2011 1:18 pm

Oops. e_e Thanks for the bug catches. I usually don't write at 4am.
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PostSubject: Re: A Fanfic-ish type thing.   A Fanfic-ish type thing. Icon_minitimeThu Feb 03, 2011 2:48 pm

So good. Can't wait for the Hell Arc.

Only part I got confused on: the first part of the fight when the DO members split up to each of the heroes, it said Drena attacked Royke and Maru went after Antlan. However, the individual fights had Maru-Royke and Drena-Antlan. Small detail, but made me look twice haha
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PostSubject: Re: A Fanfic-ish type thing.   A Fanfic-ish type thing. Icon_minitimeThu Feb 03, 2011 9:15 pm

Ack, fixed that too. That's why I don't write after Midnight. e_e
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PostSubject: Re: A Fanfic-ish type thing.   A Fanfic-ish type thing. Icon_minitimeFri Feb 04, 2011 7:37 pm

Lol. True to that. I fail at writing at midnight too.
Try staying up until 3AM, going to school at 8AM, then taking a 3 period test. ._.'' It was hell.
Even the Hell Arc can't be as scary as this.
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PostSubject: Re: A Fanfic-ish type thing.   A Fanfic-ish type thing. Icon_minitimeSat Feb 05, 2011 6:59 am

Edited so that it reaches up to the beginning of the underworld. Read it! :D
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PostSubject: Re: A Fanfic-ish type thing.   A Fanfic-ish type thing. Icon_minitimeSat Feb 05, 2011 2:45 pm

I thought there were only six life takers o-o
oh well small fact. otherwise that was still pretty good lol
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PostSubject: Re: A Fanfic-ish type thing.   A Fanfic-ish type thing. Icon_minitimeSun Feb 06, 2011 6:54 pm

Edited for the first half of the Underworld. Read. :D
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PostSubject: Re: A Fanfic-ish type thing.   A Fanfic-ish type thing. Icon_minitimeSun Feb 06, 2011 9:55 pm

Athena frowned thoughtfully at this threat. "I fear he may try to destroy the island. I will work on pinpointing his location. In the meantime, you two have done a herculean task. Why don't you all get some rest?


I didn't read everything, just the night scene. Boy do you like using Zeru and Serene... hehe.
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PostSubject: Re: A Fanfic-ish type thing.   A Fanfic-ish type thing. Icon_minitimeSun Feb 06, 2011 10:57 pm

...Edited. o-o Athena talks forever. :D
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PostSubject: Re: A Fanfic-ish type thing.   A Fanfic-ish type thing. Icon_minitimeMon Feb 07, 2011 9:29 pm

"How'd I know these would be here too?" complained Zeru.
"Just shut up and run," retorted Royke.

On the Athena talks forever comment, does that mean she stalked Zeru and heard their conversation with Serene and dictated what Zeru thought? :D
"This portal carries a strange sense of foreboding," said Antlan, before they entered said portal.
....... Bad grammar! D:
That's all I read. ^^
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